Seafood Spaghetti

Type of dish

Type of dish Main dishes

Preparation time

Preparation time 7 min

Cooking time

Cooking time 10 min


People 4


  • 500 g of spaghetti
  • 400 g clams
  • 300 g of fresh salmon cut into small cubes
  • 300 g of tomato passata
  • 1 chopped onion
  • Water, olive oil, salt and pepper

Step-by-step cooking method

  1. Cook the clams in a saucepan for 3 minutes and leave to one side.
  2. In a large frying pan, sauté the onion, add the salmon and tomato. Cook for 3 minutes.
  3. Cook the spaghetti in plenty of water and salt for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Drain and sauté in the frying pan with the rest of the ingredients.

Products it is prepared with