Poached eggs

Type of dish

Type of dish Main dishes

Preparation time

Preparation time 5 min

Cooking time

Cooking time 1 min


People 2 uds


  • 2 eggs

Step-by-step cooking method

  1. Put an egg into each hollow of the utensil.
  2. Add a few drops of water to each egg and pierce the centre of the yolk with a knife. This will avoid it exploding during cooking.
  3. Close the lid and put the Microwave Omelette & Egg Maker InnovaGoods® in the microwave at maximum temperature for 30 seconds. Leave to rest inside the oven for another 30 seconds.
  4. Repeat the same operation leaving another 15 seconds of cooking time, and 30 to rest.
  5. If the eggs are not cooked to your liking, cook for a further 15 seconds.

Important note:  These instructions are intended for microwaves of 1200 W.  The cooking times may vary depending on the power of the microwave oven, the size of the eggs, any additional ingredients used and the cooking preferences of the users.

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